2Tonnes Workshop: How to act for the climate? 🌎🇬🇧

jeu 19 Sep

18h30 - 21h30

Académie du Climat
2 place Baudoyer Paris 4e

Gratuit Sur inscription


Mise Ă  jour le 27/08/2024
2Tonnes Workshop: How to act for the climate? 🌎🇬🇧

Do you want to live an interactive and collective experience to think about how to act in favor of the climate? The 2tonnes workshop gives you the keys to take action in a fun and educational way!

💡 This is the WORLD version of the 2tonnes workshop, in english language and using global data instead of French data.

🌍 Faced with the climate emergency, we don’t always know how to act: Eco-gestures or collective actions? Become flexitarian or buy second-hand? Renovate your home or travel by bike? Get involved in an association or in your work?

đŸŒĄïž In this workshop, your mission will be to build a transition scenario, together, in order to limit climate change to +1.5°C. To do this, you will experience the next 30 years in fast forward and will have to choose individual AND collective actions on a national scale. Each action will have an impact on your greenhouse gas emissions!

☀ What actions should be carried out? Which ones have the most impact? What is my role in the ecological and social transition?

👋 Come and find out by participating in the workshop.


This workshop is organized by the association 2tonnes which wishes to allow as many citizens as possible to become fulfilled actors and actresses in the transition to a low-carbon world. https://www.2tonnes.org/

đŸ„—â˜•ïžđŸ»Â La Buvette de l’AcadĂ©mie est ouverte du mercredi au samedi de 11h Ă  minuit !
Au dĂ©jeuner, venez dĂ©guster des plats vĂ©gĂ©tariens, de saison et ultra locaux cuisinĂ©s par Yes We Camp. Au goĂ»ter, des gĂąteaux et pĂątisseries et en soirĂ©e des petits plats Ă  partager. À toute heure, biĂšres, vins, boissons chaudes et fraĂźches !